Difference Matters
A Resource on Diversity, Identity, and Communication
This site provides resources for anyone interested in valuing and respecting individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds.
Difference Matters
Communicating Social Identity (Third Edition)
This eye-opening, vibrant book motivates readers to value human difference as a positive, enriching feature of society. Difference Matters showcases author Brenda J. Allen's proven ability and flair for presenting challenging topics in non-threatening ways.
Allen reviews U.S. history to show how perceptions of gender, race, social class, sexuality, disability, and age vary throughout time and place. She offers down-to-earth analyses of these social identity categories to reveal relationships between communication and power. She shares frank, personal stories about effects of dominant belief systems on her own attitudes and behaviors. She inspires readers to be authentic and self-reflective.
To promote engaged learning, the book includes a variety of interactive elements such as “Pause to Ponder” prompts, Communication Tools, “Now What” ideas, and "Reflection Matters" questions.
The bottom line? Difference Matters offers life-changing guidance for harnessing the powerful potential of human differences—whether to improve interpersonal relationships, cultivate inclusive workplace communication, or to build a more just society.
Read excerpts from Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity (Third Edition)
Meet the Author: Brenda J. Allen
Professor Emerita Brenda J. Allen (PhD Howard University) is the former Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Colorado Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus. Dr. Allen has a track record for scholarship, teaching, service, mentorship, and training related to organizational communication, social identity, and power. Among her many publications is a groundbreaking book - Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity, 3rd. Ed., (2023, Waveland Press).
In 2020, she launched a global online course entitled Inclusive Leadership: The Power of Workplace Diversity that is receiving international acclaim. As an independent consultant, she offers highly-rated workshops, facilitations, keynote speeches, and coaching on a variety of diversity, equity, inclusion, and leadership topics.
Dr. Allen has received numerous awards and accolades for her tireless, compassionate efforts. As a testament to her impact, Dr. Allen’s colleagues at CU Denver established a diversity and inclusion scholarship and leadership award in her name.